I am Grand Master Ali and Welcome to my Beyond Healing Series.
Beyond Healing with Kyusho Jutsu
Beyond Healing with Grounding, Earthing and Sunning
Beyond Healing with DIY MED BED
Beyond Healing with Brain, Stomach & Feet.
Beyond Healing with Chi Energy Healing
Kosho Concepts: The Healing Arts
Beyond Healing with Bowen Therapy & Kyusho Jutsu
Beyond Healing with Energizing Your Home
Beyond Healing with BioGeometry Signatures
Beyond Healing with Divine Mind
Beyond Healing with
Kyusho Jutsu
Kyusho Jutsu is the study of the 366 pressure points in the body. We do not need to know all of the points to heal ourselves and others but just a few to relieve pain and anxiety. This is a FREE course.

Beyond Healing with Grounding, Earthing
and Sunning
Your body can heal itself of anything if you provide it the right environment to do so. Grounding or Earthing is a MUST method for everyone to start doing and added with Sunning, you can easily raise the voltage in your body.
Click here to learn more about this course.
Beyond Healing with
Give a man a fish, feed him for the day,
Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.
This course is based upon this philosophy. I will give you the knowledge and skills to heal yourself and your family for generations.
I will show you many ways to raise your voltage levels. Once your voltage is running at peak levels, amazing things start to happen. Your body heals itself.

Beyond Healing with
Brain, Stomach & Feet
In this fourth edition of my Beyond Healing series, we are going in deep within the brain to look at the causes of brain tension and why more and more people's minds are spinning out of control.