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Currency Exchange Planner

The 85% failed because they lacked the right tool to effectively help them plan.

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The No. 1 Planning Tools for the Dinar Community.


Designed by a Dinarian for the Dinarians.  So easy and versatile to use.


The most advanced and complete planning tools available to Dinarians today.


Professional High Quality Colourful Reports can be printed.  Take a look at these samples.

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You can view the CEP DASHBOARD in CHART form.


This is a cool feature especially for those who are visually oriented.  Easily see which categories are draining your money and adjust your plan as required.


You can  view with numbers or in chart.  It's your choice.


The CEP is the Ultimate Exchange Planner for ALL Dinarians.

Supports up to 10 Currencies
Iraqi Dinar, Iranian Rial 
Zimbabwe Dollar, Vietnamese Dong
Indonesian Rupiah, Venezuela Bolivar
Afghanistan Afghani, Chinese Renminbi/Yuan
and 2 additional that can be programmed for your own choices.
Currency Exchange Planner v8.1 and the Companion Edition Features:
Track Your Currencies,
View Bank Balance in Your Local Currency
Debt Planning, Precious Metals Planning,
Charity and Family Gifting Planning,
Future Planning
Track Your Serial Numbers
Track Your Net Worth,
Your Wealth Management,
Track Your Investments,
Track Your Crypto Currencies,
Plan your RV Financial Team,
Plan your Capital Gains Taxes,
it also includes:
a Project Scheduler, Family Budget Planner,
Exchange Guides, 
Travel Planner, Envelope Planning and 
a Dinarian To-Do List and when
you need to take a break
from planning relax and
play a few games.
All this is included and more.

CEP has reached 100+ countries and growing!

Thank you for making CEP The No. 1 planning tools for the Dinar Community.


© 2019 by MYCAN Solutions a subsidiary company of 4X SureSMART

Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer 

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